A responsible actor, a citizen, Air Support is committed to all of its interlocutors and develops meaningful partnerships.
act on a daily basis in a responsible companY
To face its industrial challenges, Air Support strives to be a socially responsible employer and committed to its employees. The company trains ‘s employees, cultivates internal promotion and ensures the diversity of their profiles. Each year, it welcomes young people (hired, work-study, interns, etc.).
Air Support, a company open to all and committed to diversity and combating all forms of discrimination in the company: gender, age, origin, disability, sexual orientation, religious convictions, etc. The company is also very involved in the feminization of technical sectors and in the promotion of industrial professions.
Air Support is committed alongside local and regional partners
- GIFAS member
- A member of UIMM MP- OCCITANIE, Sabine Tertre is vice-president of UIMM MP-Occitanie and president of the UIMM Occitanie Industrial Development Commission. She is also leader of France Industrie Occitanie
- Member of the AEROGERS Club
- Member of the association: Entrepreneurs de la Gasconne Toulousaine (EGT)